How Much Is Individual Health Insurance?
Individual health insurance has long been considered more expensive and more complicated than a group plan.
But that’s not the case anymore.
Though most people spend thousands on health insurance every year, not many full-time workers shop around for it first. They often accept whatever group plan their employer offers. However, with the age of the internet, many are catching on to all the other, better choices out there. knows that smart consumers want to find the best deal that gives them the tailored coverage they need. So, they’ve created an easy three-step process for those looking for individual health insurance.
Individual Health Insurance vs. Group Health Insurance
Group Health Insurance
Group health insurance, also called company-based health insurance, is a coverage plan selected by one’s employer. Most mistakenly assume that this option is the cheapest and has the most benefits. Not true!
Individual Health Insurance
Like group health insurance, individual health insurance plans can be for one person or an entire family. Many who purchase an individual health plan are self-employed, unemployed, or work part-time. There are dozens of individual health insurance companies throughout the U.S., but not all of them operate in every state. Public health insurance through the Affordable Care Act is also considered individual health insurance.
The Health Insurance Marketplace
Health insurance is not one-size-fits-all. With all other products and services, a free market exists to keep prices competitive and benefit consumers. The health insurance marketplace does the same thing.
Within the health insurance marketplace, individuals can choose between public or private health insurance options.
The Affordable Care Act and Special Enrollment Periods
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) allows people to buy health plans through the government exchange. There are several plans available, depending on lifestyle and need. Open enrollment for ACA plans usually occurs at the end of each year.
After December 15, individuals can’t get the next year’s coverage unless they qualify for the Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Those who may be eligible for the Special Enrollment Period include those who have:
- Lost their health coverage
- Moved
- Had a baby
- Adopted a child
While many choose to utilize the Special Enrollment Period, others opt for private health insurance coverage.
Enroll in Private Plans Anytime
Unlike the ACA plans, private plans don’t usually have specific enrollment periods. Every year, more full-time, part-time, and self-employed people are turning to the health insurance marketplace for coverage. However, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with all the available options.
That’s where comes in.
Navigating the Health Insurance Marketplace helps individuals and families review all their choices, learn the Real Total Cost (from the monthly premium to the out-of-pocket expenses), and select the best fit for their health status and budget.
Why Get Individual Health Insurance?
People turn to individual health insurance for many reasons: to fit their lifestyle, in response to life events, or for its cost.
For some people, individual health insurance is necessary. For others, it’s a choice. Instead of settling for an employer’s group plan, many like the flexibility individual plans offer. They don’t need as much coverage as others, and individual health insurance plans can be as comprehensive or as minimalistic as necessary.
Life Events
Certain people searching the health insurance marketplace have undergone significant life changes. Maybe they added to their family, or the primary breadwinner lost their job (and benefits). Individual health plans can help bridge the gap between jobs (and some choose to stick with it for the long haul).
Many have found that individual health insurance beats their employer’s group plan in cost. The ACA plans have lower tiers that fit tight budgets. Likewise, private health insurance companies offer competitive pricing.
Websites like make it even simpler for consumers to explore their health insurance options.
How Much Is Individual Health Insurance?
Health insurance can be a significant expense, especially for those using their company’s group plan. Employer plans increase five percent in cost every year. For context, the average worker paid more than $5,700 towards their company-based health insurance coverage in 2018.
So, when considering deductibles, premiums, copays, out-of-pocket expenses, and more, how much does individual health insurance cost?
It depends entirely on the health insurance, the consumer’s specific needs, and a few other factors like:
- Location
- Income
- Dependents
The ACA bronze plan starts at just $1 a day (meaning around $365 a year). It’s the perfect option for a young, healthy person who doesn’t often go to the doctor.
For those who want a lower deductible, the ACA’s platinum plan (starting at $6.67 per day, or around $2,435 a year) leaves the individual responsible for only 10 percent of their health care costs.
Private individual health insurance plans vary, too. helps intelligent consumers search for the right health plan, public or private, with a quick three-step process. Individuals and families can then click through their options and get the Real Total Cost for each plan.
The days of confusing (and inaccurate) pricing guides from bulky group plans are over—health insurance doesn’t have to be complicated anymore.